The role of nutrition in determining gender

The role of nutrition in determining gender

Undoubtedly, for all people who want to have a child, this question has arisen: what is the role of nutrition in determining the gender of the child?

And is it possible to increase the probability of having a girl or a boy by making changes in food consumption? In this article, we are trying to comprehensively and completely provide you with information about determining the gender of the fetus with nutrition.

How is the gender of the fetus determined?

Many men think that because the fetus grows in the mother’s womb, it is responsible for the fetus becoming a girl or a boy with the mother. While this is not the case. Because the gender of the fetus is determined by male sperm. The process of this process is that if a sperm fertilizes an egg and has a Y chromosome, the baby will be a boy. But if the sperm has an X chromosome, your fetus will be a girl. However, among the 200 to 500 million sperm that enter the vagina, the sperm that succeeds in fertilization is a matter of chance. But from the past until now, people have been able to influence the gender change of the fetus by using some foods, which of course has been proven in today’s science.

Is it possible to determine gender by nutrition?

If you want to consider a special diet for this purpose, you should pay attention to the fact that the diet cannot cause one of the sperms of a girl or a boy to be strengthened and can only help to increase the speed of sperm movement. For example, if the environment of the uterus is alkaline, the y-sperms that promote male fertility become more mobile. But on the other hand, if the uterus is acidic and the secretions inside it are more, the lifespan of X sperm will increase and the possibility of having a girl child will increase. The important point that we are going to address in this section is that until now it is not possible to determine the gender in a hundred percent way, but there are possibilities for this matter that by determining the gender of the fetus with nutrition, we can influence this to some extent. Obesity diet

It is interesting to know: according to the studies and research done in this field, researchers have proven that eating certain foods can be a key factor in determining the gender of the fetus. To determine gender by nutrition, it is necessary to consider the following points. In order for nutrition to be effective in this matter, it is necessary to consider a special diet for having a girl or a boy two months before trying to get pregnant.


In order for this diet to have a good effect on this, you need to continue it for 6 months. If you do not get pregnant during the period of time you maintain this diet, it is better to stop the diet and try to do it again at another time. Another important point in this regard is that it cannot be determined 100% that using a specific diet can contribute to your conceiving a boy or a girl, but it can increase the chance or probability of it. In addition, it is necessary to pay attention to this issue, before conception, the use of certain foods can play a role in determining the gender of the fetus through nutrition, and after pregnancy, using this method will not be effective.

What is the role of nutrition in determining gender?

Before answering the above question, we must mention the role of mother’s vaginal pH during sexual intercourse. As we mentioned before, sperms containing Y chromosome are more mobile in alkaline environments and generally move more easily, but sperms that lead to the formation of female sperm and contain X chromosome are more active in acidic environments. Therefore, by changing the pH of this environment, with the use of certain foods, conditions can be provided for the fetus to become a boy or a girl. This is why doctors recommend starting a diet about two to three months before conception. Also, sometimes it is necessary to diagnose the doctor, the father should follow a proper diet so that he can produce more resistant sperms. Obesity diet

What kind of food is necessary to have a girl?

We mentioned earlier that the role of nutrition in determining the gender of a girl can be very influential. We also mentioned that sperms that can become female embryos are more likely to survive and work in an acidic environment. Considering that the various foods you eat can affect the ph of the genital system, we suggest you include the following foods in your daily food basket to create a more acidic environment.

An important thing to keep in mind when determining the gender with nutrition for having a girl is that if there is more sugar in your blood, it helps to make the environment of the uterus more acidic. Therefore, sugary foods such as desserts can help to prepare for these conditions. Of course, it is better to keep in mind that using a lot of sugar can also cause unwanted diseases such as gestational diabetes and obesity. it is suggested

What foods can prevent you from having a girl?

In determining the gender of the fetus by nutrition, if you do not want to reduce the possibility of having a girl, we suggest that you reduce or do not use the following foods two to three months before pregnancy and also at the beginning of it.

Also, consuming chocolate and sweets other than dark chocolate can disrupt your diet for conceiving a girl.


What foods can help to have a boy?

In the previous episodes, in the section where we talked about the role of nutrition in gender determination, it was mentioned that the environment of the vagina and uterus of the mother needs to be alkaline before trying to get pregnant or when trying to conceive a boy. Therefore, it is necessary to eat foods that have more sodium and potassium. These types of food help the sperms containing the Y chromosome to have more chances to reach the uterus and fertilize the egg. So we suggest to include the following ingredients in your daily food basket.

  1. Fruits and vegetables containing potassium such as celery, apricots, bananas, raisins, grapes, cantaloupe, pumpkin, spinach, potatoes, carrots, green peas
  2. Eating foods that contain salt, such as pickles, salty snacks, etc.
  3. Consuming protein products such as canned tuna, sausage, salted fish and sausage
  4. One to two eggs per week
  5. Consuming all kinds of meat
  6. Carbohydrates that are not prepared with milk, such as bread, cracked wheat, rice, corn, pasta and biscuits.
  7. Consumption of butter and mayonnaise
  8. Drinking coffee and tea for both women and men, because it increases sperm energy.
  9. Consuming sweet and high-calorie foods such as carbonated soft drinks, honey, sugar, dates, jam, candy, jelly and desserts without milk
  10. Eating a rich breakfast

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